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Northside Hospital Better Breathers Club


Guest Speaker

Bob Sobkowiak

 From Breathe Strong America

Monday, July 11th 2022 1:30 PM EST

Bob Sobkowiak from Breathe Strong America will be appearing at the Northside Hospital Better Breathers Club Virtual Meeting, facilitated by Amanda Collins, to give an update about Breathe Strong America and all the latest information about lung health. Please join us for this informative update. 

You can join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.


You can also dial in using your phone.
(For supported devices, tap a one-touch number below to join instantly.)

United States: +1 (669) 224-3412
– One-touch: tel:+16692243412,,593884541#

Access Code: 593-884-541

You can connect from your browser, or use the GoTo app. Download now before the meeting starts! https://meet.goto.com/install


Bob Sobkowiak, RRT, TTS

Bob is a former US Air Force Medic, trained as a Registered Respiratory Therapist in Ohio and California. For over 40 years Bob has served in Clinical Acute Care, Management, Education, Pulmonary Rehabilitation, Home Care, and as a Community Volunteer for the ALA and the COPD Foundation. Since 2010 Bob has served as a Florida COPD Coalition Coordinator, and is currently a Florida COPD State Captain, and Coordinator for Breathe Strong America.






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