Right2Breathe Pulmonary Chat – Managing COPD
August 30, 2022 @ 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm EDT
| FreeRight2Breathe Pulmonary Chat
Online Support Group
Managing COPD
August 30, 2022 4:30 PM EST
A Pulmonary Chat special invitation to Temple Lung & Advantage Therapy Centers online and in-person
Right2Breathe has partnered with the Temple Lung Center and the Advantage Therapy team as they talk about treatment options available to help manage your COPD and why Pulmonary Rehab is a key component.
You will hear from pulmonary experts who work every day to help provide quality care for patients with COPD. You will also hear from patients like you about how they’re managing their condition.
This event will be a combination of in-person at the Advantage Therapy Center in Cherry Hill, NJ and also virtual via Zoom.
IMPORTANT NOTE for regular Pulmonary Chat members: this Zoom is hosted by Temple Lung and Advantage Therapy so it will be a DIFFERENT LINK THAN NORMAL. Please be sure to use the link that will be provided with your tickets and/or in the email reminders that will be sent to you.
Advantage Therapy Center, 1998 Marlton Pike E, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
Zoom link will be on your tickets as well as emailed to you.
Be sure to join us and register now!
Join us for Pulmonary Chat & The Lung Center at Temple Health present: Managing COPD, August 30, 2022 at 4:30 PM.
Register soon because space is limited.
We hope you’re able to join us!
Registration is FREE, but required in advance.
Please click the link to register.