Today’s Headlines News Include-

“Feds consider relaxing nursing home controls – Opponents say change would put people at risk”
                         —USA Today

“It took a pandemic, but teachers finally respected”
                         —USA Today, Nation’s Health

As millions celebrated Cinco De Mayo, questions and confusion surface surrounding the safety of some of the most vulnerable of our population in nursing homes, and teacher appreciation and respect are being recognized across our country.


A- Avoiding Worry

“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.”

                         Leo Buscaglia

B- Be Not Afraid, Be Strong, Be Courageous

“Success is not final, failure is not final, it is the courage to continue that counts.”

                         Winston Churchill


C- Caring for Your Lung health, and Each Other, at Home

From Karen Deitemeyer, Melbourne, Florida.

Karen Deitemeyer

Karen Deitemeyer, left.

Yesterday I had some news about family members which made me very worried and anxious. I decided I had to get outdoors for awhile.

I live in a golf cart retirement community and so I took a ride around the community – just enjoying the beautiful weather, waving at others and sometimes chatting (from a safe distance) with others who were out in their yards, or on their porches or in their carts, too.

Being able to share my worries with others made them so much easier to bear, and I believe that my relationships with my neighbors have been strengthened by our common concerns during this time of COVID-19.

Thanks Karen for sharing!