Today’s Headlines News Include-

“Brace for hurricane season”- Up to 19 named storms possible for this year, says NOAA.

                         —USA Today

“Southwest Fla. Unemployment rate skyrockets during April”

                         —Naples Daily News (Southwest Florida Newspaper)


A- Avoiding Worry

Whether the uncertainty of the upcoming hurricane season or extreme loss of jobs due to COVID Pandemic- So let us all take a moment and RELAX! 

William Penn Adair Rogers (November 4, 1879- August 15, 1935) known as Will Rogers, was an Oklahoma Cherokee citizen born in Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory. Mr. Will Rogers was a great American humorist, stage and film actor, vaudeville performer, cowboy, newspaper columnist, and social commentator. He once wrote-

           “Worrying is like paying on a debt that may never come due.”


B- Be Not Afraid, Be Strong, Be Courageous

“Success is not final, failure is not final: it is the courage to continue that counts.”

                         –Winston Churchill


C- Caring for Your Lung health, and Each Other, at Home and in the Community

COPD Foundation Webinar, May 21, 2020 

Does the COVID-19 Pandemic Change COPD Management Use of Nebulizers?

                                     MeiLanHan, MD Professor of Medicine, University of Michigan


Is it safe to continue using my nebulizer?

Never stop using your medications without talking to your healthcare professional first!

If you have COVID-19, a nebulizer could aerosolize the virus & potentially increase the risk to others in your immediate area so many have asked if they should proactively discontinue nebulizer use. 

1. Unless you have suspected or confirmed COVID-19 there is no reason to stop using your nebulizer.

2. If you are concerned about others in your home:

Use nebulizer in a separate room with the door closed or even a patio or garage that no one will enter for a few hours

Use a filter that helps block aerosol spread

3. If you are hospitalized for any reason during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is possible your doctor will temporarily discontinue nebulization.


Why would someone with COPD be prescribed a nebulizer vs inhaler?

Ease of use for someone with dexterity issues

Assists those with more severe disease and limited inspiratory force

Added humidification may help clear secretions