Featured Author Marilyn Klingler

Breathe Strong is pleased to partner with Marilyn Klingler, RN, B.S., M.Ed. A nurse and a health educator, Marilyn has practiced nursing for 40 years in several specialties including intensive care, emergency, cardiac and pulmonary specialties. Her true passion is in Pulmonary Rehab where she has learned so much more from her patients than from her medical books. Marilyn has presented on strategies for better outcomes for pulmonary patients at the AZ State Nurses Association Annual Conferences, and at the State and National Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehab Association Annual Conferences. She has given presentations at hospital and community groups throughout AZ. Winner of the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehab Innovation Award, she continues to explore new and better avenues to improve the health and wellness of the pulmonary population.
Marilyn is the author of Triumph Over Lung Disease-How to Regain Breath and Vitality. This book is for every person and every family member navigating the challenges of lung disease and for for people searching for proven solutions on how to live more fully, breathe more easily, and find more energy. What is your vision of a healthy you? What will it take to make that vision a reality? How open are you to moving forward? After ten years of working in pulmonary rehab, Marilyn Klingler RN, M.Ed., has created an inspiring, comprehensive guide for those with chronic lung disease on how to move forward towards greater levels of independence, self-confidence and vitality. Weaving together personal experience with professional knowledge, Marilyn offers clear explanations, practical suggestions and specific strategies for achieving your goals. Triumph Over Lung Disease introduces you to people who were struggling and who took the challenge to move forward, one step at a time.
This is a toolkit to help you overcome the obstacles of living with lung disease. You will discover that these tools can make life a lot easier and a lot better. Learn about:
The story behind your lungs
Breathing, moving and oxygen use
The proven power of the mind on your health
Impacting factors affecting breath and energy
How to increase energy and use that energy efficiently
Self-assessment: tuning in to your own health
The side effects of recuperation
Taking control
Food as medicine
How you feel versus your test results
The impact of complimentary therapies on lung disease
How to get the most out of your medication
Strategies to control stress, breath, and energy
….and much, much more…
More about Marilyn….
• Cardiac and pulmonary health educator and RN.
• Health and Wellness Coach.
• Tai Chi instructor.
• Created and facilitated cardiac and pulmonary support groups.
• Designed and implemented pulmonary and cardiac educational tools and processes.
• Introduced biannual Walking for Wellness program.
• AACVPR Program Certification achievement.
• Member of the Banner Hospital Shared Leadership Team and the Health Literacy Team.
• Created Guided visualization audio tools for cardiac and pulmonary patients.
• Achieved 2015 American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehab Innovation Award.
• Presented at the 2016 American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehab (AACVPR) Annual Conference. .
• Poster Presentation AZ Nurses Association 2014 and 2015.
• Poster Presentation AACVPR 2015.
• Presented at several community and professional settings.
• Introduced and instructed yoga and Qigong breathing strategies in pulmonary rehab.
• Researched, carried out and presented results on evidence based stress management strategies at the state and national level.
• Collaborates with colleagues, patients, families, and physicians, communicating clearly and comprehensively.
• Precepts and trains nurses in the field of cardiac and pulmonary rehab.
• Facilitates monthly clinical meetings with the Pulmonary Rehab Program Medical Director.
• IFESH Teacher of the Year.